Abrams, J. 120
“A Christmas Note for Geraldine Udell” 58
Adding Machine, The 45, 53
Adventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction Rooms 35
A Lady of Quality 91
Allard, Stephen 84
Allen, Grant 96
All God’s Chillun Got Wings 45
Allmers, Alfred 64
American Federation of Labor 26
American Hospital Association 9
Amiel, Henri-Frédéric 84
Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America 28
An Autobiographical Novel 48
Anderson, Margaret C. 18
Anderson, Sherwood 8, 35, 38, 48
Andreyev, Leonid 36
Arlington Hotel 119
Arts, The 18
Artsybashev, Mikhail 36
Ashurst, J. C. 24
Associated Charities 9
Association for the Advancement of Women 12
Avrich, Paul 28
Baker’s Hall 16, 23, 33
Bakunin, Mikhail 107
Bashkirtseff, Marie 95
Bearers of the Cosmic Light 26
Bebel, August 100
Berger, Victor 26
Berkman, Alexander 58
Björnson, Björnstierne 52
Black Riders and Other Lines, The 77, 80
Black Spirits and White 89
Blake, Trevor 3
Blast, The 49
Blume, L. 120
Bodenheim, Max 15
Bookman, The 24
Book Omnorium 55
Boulogne-sur-Mer 54
Bourget, Paul 82
Bowen Hall 120
Brand 63, 120
Breiux, Eugène 19
Brown, William Thurston 23, 25, 27
Bruno, Guido 35
Bughouse Square 7, 16
Burnett, Frances Hodgson 91
Burrowes, Peter E. 101
Busoni, Ferruccio 92
Butcher, Fanny 17, 24, 56
Byington, Steven T. 29
Byron, Lord 69, 71
Cad, The 54
Čapek, Karel 46
Carlyle, Thomas 101
Chaplin, Ralph 18, 23, 25
Chekov, Anton 36, 45
Chenery, William L. 24
Chester Wallace Players 24
Chicago Arbeiter Zeitung 31
Chicago Co-Operative Bookstores Company 35, 38, 39
Chicago Ethical Society 50
Chicago Evening American 39
Chicago Herald 24
Chicago in Seven Days 43
Chicago Tribune 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 54, 57
Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned 31
Clarion Book Shop 49
Columbian Ode 92
Comstock, Anthony 97
Concord Book Shop 55
Consumers Co-operative Movement in Illinois, The 38
Cooper, Kenneth L. 54
Cooper, Lenetta M. 47, 55
Cooper, Theron P. 31, 35, 39, 47, 54
Corinthian Hall 121
Cram, Ralph Adams 89
Crane, Stephen 80, 81, 82, 96
Crimes of the Bolsheviki 13
Cronaca Sovversiva 28
Crones, Jean. See Dondoglio, Nestor
Daily Worker, The 39, 46, 53
Damaged Goods 117
Damnation of Theron Ware, The 96
Darrow, Clarence 15
Day Book, The 11, 23, 25
Dear Editor: A History of Poetry in Letters 58
Debs, Eugene 58, 100
Decadents 95
Decamcron 85
de Cleyre, Voltairine 106, 107, 110, 120
De L’Isle Adam, Villiers 115
Dell, Floyd 52
De Maupassant, Guy 69
Deneen, Charles 28
Der Geist: A Journal of Egoism 3
Desmond, Arthur 7, 15, 16, 27, 55, 57
Detroit Free Press 11, 14
De Vries, Peter 45, 56
Dietzgen, Peter Josef 100
Diff’rent 42
Dillon, George 56
Dil Pickle Club 7, 8, 15, 16, 26, 35, 37, 54, 55
Dil Pickle Press 15, 57
Dondoglio, Nestor 28
Doninelli, Aida 57
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 36, 120
Douglas Park Auditorium 53
Douglas Smith Players 58
Drury, John 43
Du Marier, Daphne 96
Dumas, Alexandre 92
Dunne, Edward 28
Duse, Eleonora 93
Edgar Lee Masters 24
Ego and His Own, The 29
Egoist, The 19
Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest (1895 – 1915) 77
Eliot, George 69, 97
Emperor and Galilean 63
End of the World, The 113
Engelke, Geo. 16
Engels, Friedrich 100
Estey, Colston 38
Eugène, Scribe 68
Evans, Evan 32
Evolution of Sexual Morality, The 27
Fat and the Thin, The 91
Ferrer, Francisco 121
Ferri, Enrico 100
Field, Eugene 84, 88, 96
Florine, G.G. 26
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley 23, 25
Forest, J.E. 9
Fourth Estate, The 9
Francé, R.H. 112
Frederick, Harold 96
Freeport Daily Democrat 12, 62, 94
Freeport Illinois Daily Journal 11
Galleani, Luigi 28
Garland, Hamlin 82
Garland, Judy 50
Gas 58
Gautier, Judith 93
George, Lyman Fairbanks 27
German Expressionism 48
Germs of Mind in Plants 112
Ghosts 63
Globe Hall 11
Goethe, Wolfgang von 116
Gold Coast House of Corrections 7
Goldman, Emma 117
Gorky, Maxim 36
Gospel According to Malfew Seklew, The 23
Gosse, Edmund 72
Grand, Sarah 97
Great Madness, The 13
Green Room Circle 119
Greenwich Village 37
Growing Dawn, The 50
Guido, Bruno 35
Gypsy Christ and Other Tales 89
Haeckel, Ernest 115
Hall, Covington 55
Hammersmark, Samuel Tellefson “Sam” 53
Hanson, George 58
Hardy, Thomas 72, 96
Harlem Renaissance 15
Harper’s 92
Harper & Bros. 55
HarperCollins 55
Harrison, Carter, Jr. 28
Hauptmann, Gerhart 45
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 97
Haywood, William “Bill” 8, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 58, 100
Heavenly Twins, The 97
Hennessy, “Spike” 33
Henry Demarest Lloyd: A Biography 118
Hertzen, Alexander 107
Herwitz, Harry 24
Hill, Joe 15
Hirschfeld, Magnus 15
History of English Literature 71
Holle’s Newsstand 55
House of Blazes, The 7
House of Pomegranates, The 19
Howells, William Dean 96
Hubert, Mary 11
Hyde, Henry M. 23
Ibsen, Henrick 14, 41, 45, 52, 63, 67, 69, 120
Importance of Being Earnest, The 43
Impressionism 95
Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) 8, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 55, 58
Insull, Samuel 28
Interior, The 95
International Labor Defense 53
International Socialist Review, The 17, 24, 27, 62
Italian Futurism 48
Jacob, Mark 28
Jaxon, Honoré 120
Jeffers, Una 58
Joe Hill: The IWW & The Making of a Revolutionary Workingclass Culture 17
John J. Weihing Printing Co. 55
Jones, Henry Arthur 68
Jones, Jack 8, 26, 35
Jude the Obscure 72, 73
Kalamazoo News 11
Kane County Journal Company 9
Kautsky, Karl 100
Keller, Helen 36
Kenton, Edna 24
Kerr, Charles H. 17, 18, 27
Khayyâm, Omar 26
King, Ben 114
Kovalevsky, Sonia 93
Kreymborg, Alfred 52
Kropotkin, Pyotr 107
Labor Defense Council 46, 47, 55
Lady Gregory 119
Lamson Wolfe & Co. 93
Lang, Andrew 72
Larkin, Jim 17, 24, 25, 58
Le Ventre De Paris 90
Lewis, Wyndham 49
Liberty 61
Liberty Hall 120, 121
Life and Death, A Study In Biology 115
Little Eyolf 63, 66
Little Lord Fauntleroy 91
Little Review, The 18, 19, 20, 62
Little Theater 8, 24, 48
Lloyd, Caro 118
Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac, The 84
Love’s Freedom and Fulfillment 27
Lowell, Amy 77
Machinists’ Hall 49
MacLane, Mary 15
Macmillan & Co. 83
Maeterlinck, Maurice 95, 120
M. Aldeman’s Book Shop 55
Malfew Seklew 15, 23
Mallarmé, Stéphane 95
Mallock, W. H. 114
Marrey, Leslie H. 24
Marshall Field 50
Marx, Karl 19, 100
Masses, The 13
Master-builder, The 63
Masters, Edgar Lee 17, 58
Maude, Aylmer 13
Meadville Theological Seminary 12
Mencken, Henry Louis 52, 107
Merriam, Charles Edward, Jr. 24
Merriman, Margaret 24
Messenger, The 15
Meyer, Dr. M. Wilhelm 113
Michigan Square Building 40
Might is Right 7, 15, 16, 27, 55, 57
“Might Is Right” 55
Milwaukee Leader 49
Minnelli, Vincente 50
Mitchell, James Herbert 54
Modern Bookstore 53
Modern Self Educational League 119
Monet, Claude 69
Monroe, Harriet 45, 53, 54, 58
Moore, Tomas 69
Moral Basis of the Demand for Free Divorce 27
Morris, William 101
Mr. Sherard 92
Munroe, Harriet 92
My Little Book of Prayer 111
Naked Truth of Jesusism from Oriental Manuscripts, The 27
Nearing, Scott 13
New England Primer 87
New Majority, The 41, 43, 122
New Orleans 55
News from Nowhere 101
New York Call 49
New York Times 22, 57
Nietzsche, Friedrich 19, 83, 101
Nonpartisan Leader, The 38
Nordau, Max 83, 95
North, Jessica 45
Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, The 68
Oak Hall 15, 25
O’Neill, Eugene 42, 45, 50, 52
Oscar Wilde 101
Others 18
“Our Literary Idols” 94
Outbursts of Everett True, The 23
Owen, Chandler 15
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan 93
Pariri, Joseph 58
Parsons, Lucy 17
Peer Gynt 63
Penney, Rev. George Brayton 94
Philistine, The 77, 80
Pinero, Arthur Wing 68
Poe, Edgar Allan 96
Poetry 19, 45, 53, 54, 56, 58
Poetry Club of the University of Chicago 45
Pope, Francis 22
Pope, Virginia 22
Pound, Ezra 19
Profligate, The 68
Proletarian Book Shop 49
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 110
Publishers Weekly, The 38, 39
Quad-City Times 36
Raevsky Sisters, The 93
Ragnar Redbeard. See Desmond, Arthur
Ramsden, Roebuck 48
Randolph, A. Philip 15
Rebellion: Made Up of Dreams and Dynamite 55
Red Badge of Courage, The 80, 81, 96
Reitman, Ben 15, 26
Renan, Ernest 71, 84
Republican, The 98
Revolutionary Essays in Socialist Faith and Fancy 101
Rexroth, Kenneth 8, 48, 58
Rice, Elmer 45, 53
Riebe, Ernest 13
Riley, James Whitcomb 96
Rise & Fall of the Dil Pickle Club, The 15, 18, 55
Rock Island Argus 37, 38
Rosemont, Franklin 15
Rosmersholm 63
Rothke, Theodore 58
Rubinstein, Ida 49
Ruff, Allen 18
R.U.R. 46
Saint-Beuve, Charles Augustin 71
Sandburg, Carl 15, 17, 23, 25
Sardou, Victorien 68
Saturday Evening Post 24
Schopenhauer, Arthur 72
Second Mrs. Tanqueray, The 68
Seklew, Malfew 8, 15, 50
Seven Arts 7
Shakespeare, William 71
Sharp, William 89
Shaw, Bernard 52
Shaw, George Bernard 45, 48, 67, 101
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 67
Sherwood Anderson’s Secret Love Letters 35
Simons, A.M. 112, 115
Sirfessor Wilkesbarre. See Seklew, Malfew
Skald 71
Slavery of Our Times 13
Smith, Adam 118
Social Demokraten, The 31
Socialist Leader 26
Social Significance of the Modern Drama, The 117
Society for the Relief of Tuberculosis 9
Sœur du Soleil 93
So Long Letty 24
Songs of Love and Rebellion 55
Songs of Rebellion 116
Soul of Man Under Socialism 101
Spencer, Herbert 115
Standard Oil Company 118
Staub’s Newsstand 55
Stirner, Max 3, 29, 110
St. John, Vincent 17
Stone & Kimball 89
Strindberg, August 45, 52
Strobel, Marion 45, 54, 56
Strofe, Muriel 111
Studio Players 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 53, 54
Stylus, The 3, 12, 60, 61, 94
Survey, The 9
Symbolism 48, 95
Synge, John Millington 52, 119
Szukalski, Stanisław 15, 16
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe 71
Teichmann, Dr. Ernst 115
Temple of Wisdom 7
Tess of the D’ Ubervilles 72
Thackeray, William Makepeace 71
Theater of Revolt 49
“The Logic of To-Day“ 55
Thurland & Thurland 13
Thus Spoke Zarathustra 83
Tobinson, A. T. 120
Tolstoy, Leo 10, 13, 19, 96, 107
Tooker Alley 16
Tower Town 54
Trigere, Pauline 22
Trumbull, Logan 45
Tucker, Benjamin R. 14, 29
Turgenev, Ivan 36, 120
Turner Hall 16, 43, 48
Underworld Amusements 23, 77
Union of Egoists 59, 77
Unitarian: A Monthly Magazine of Liberal Christianity, The 12
University Club 55
Valley of Enna & Other Poems of 1922.The Growing Dawn, and Spirit of the Lower North Side; Plays of 1922, The 50
Vera Barantzova 93
Verhaeren, Émile 120
Verlaine, Paul 92, 95
Vistas 89
Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred 91
Volendam (ship) 54
Von Hartmann 72
Vorbote 49
Wagner, Margaret 113
Wagner, Richard 69, 83
Waite, Captivity 87
Walden 55
Walden Book Shop 38, 39, 40, 47, 55
Walker, Margaret 58
Walkley, Arthur B. 67
Ward, James 100
Warner, Charles Dudley 92
Washington Square Park 16
Waturbury Republican, The 62
Weavers, The 24
We Called Each Other Comrade: Charles H. Kerr & Company, Radical Publishers 18
Wedekind, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” 48, 49
Wentworth, Edward Chichester 50, 120
West, Mae 15
Westminster Abbey 88
What is to be done? Life 10
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 69
White, Bruce A. 77
White, Ray Lewis 35
Whitman, Walt 80, 101
Wilde, Oscar 43
Wobbly: The Rough-and-Tumble Story of an American Radical 23, 25
Wolff, Adolf 116
Women Suffrage Association 12
Woodson, Guy 46
Worker’s Book Store 53
Yale University 3, 60
Yeats, William Butler 119
Young, Stephen 58
Zola, Émile 90, 96